Our solutions
Our personalised platform
At Obiz©, we recognise that our clients and their needs are unique. For this reason, we develop responsive web platforms and custom-made apps. Put simply, our platform is made for you. Not Obiz©..
A fully integrated white-labelling platform developing benefits programmes to meet your needs
Our platform will design your benefits programme to match your brand. Discover our three-tiered graphic and feature personalisation for your platform.

A turnkey solution for personalised benefits programmes with your logo and colours.

Embed your graphic charter, decide on platform layout, personalise the connection experience and add your custom-made webpages.

Fully personalised platforms that deliver tailor-made webpage design from start to finish to meet your needs.
A range of customisable features
Practical and innovative features to guarantee a positive beneficiary experience!
Store integrator
Keeping the purchasing process simple.
Make a wish©
Store locator
Gift code
Offering beneficiaries a budget to spend on their benefits programme.

Your personalised benefits programme content
We leverage our 55,000-partner network of major brands and local retailers to select the deals and categories that match your profile. If required, we specifically find new partners to fit your business needs before negotiating an deal. Our solution event lets you integrate your own deal and partnerships into your programme.

Your personalised connection experience
Choose from our multiple connection tools – email/password log-in, automatic log-in and single-sign-on (SSO) – to create the best possible beneficiary experience.

Your personalised marketing management
Manage your beneficiary relations using our custom-made marketing tools which include: competition prizes, newsletter campaigns and automated marketing.