The Obiz© Foundation


To complement its commitments, the Group decided to create its own corporate foundation.

Obiz Fondation

Created on 8 November 2023, the Obiz© Foundation aims to support a variety of initiatives, in particular by financing projects linked to :


professional reintegration, assistance with setting up or taking over a business, etc. ;

The development of impact entrepreneurship

useful to society and serving the common good;

Revitalising local areas

Through these actions, Obiz© aims to enable the most vulnerable social groups or those in difficulty (economic, personal, health-related, etc.) to regain their place in society and express their full potential.

“I am proud of the creation of the Obiz© Foundation, which reinforces our historic commitment to helping the most vulnerable groups in our society. To use the language of the IGS Group, of which Obiz© is a member of the Executive Club: succeeding in entrepreneurship is a demanding adventure fraught with pitfalls. The entrepreneurial spirit is not only at the root of economic dynamism, but also at the origin of innovations and social developments that benefit as many people as possible. Entrepreneurship is an ambitious and sometimes risky venture, requiring a wide range of skills. Passion, motivation, knowledge of project management, legal skills, versatility and resistance to stress are the qualities you need to develop if you want to get involved. It may be a demanding adventure, but the rewards are all the more satisfying. To have succeeded in bringing a project to fruition, doing what you dreamed of doing, being your own employer and even generating employment: what satisfaction!

I would also like to emphasise and thank the commitment of our teams to the work of the Obiz© Foundation, which represents a further step in our CSR strategy and our desire to go beyond the success of our business model. The Group believes in the potential of every member of society and will do all it can, particularly through its Foundation, to help them realise their potential.”

Brice Chambard

Chairman and CEO and founder of Obiz© and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Obiz© Foundation

The Obiz© Foundation is under the aegis of the Fondation Entreprendre, which has been promoting the entrepreneurial cause since 2008.